Spatial History and Its Sources 2016 Workshop

University of St Andrews
Institute for Transnational & Spatial History
2 Sept., 2016 – Venue: New Seminar Room


Introduction (Bernhard Struck, Konrad Lawson, Riccardo Bavaj)
Ships (Sarah Easterby-Smith & Matt Ylitalo, St Andrews)
The Sea (Michael Talbot, Greenwich)
Rivers (Mark Harris, St Andrews)
Landscapes (James Koranyi, Durham)

12:30-13:30: Lunch


Mountains (Dawn Hollis, St Andrews)
Travel (Jordan Girardin, St Andrews)
Maps (Bernhard Struck, St Andrews)
Architecture (Lukasz Stanek, Manchester)
Ghettos/Camps (Tim Cole, Bristol)

16:00-16:30: Coffee


Concluding discussion (Konrad Lawson)